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APEX RF-1019 Fluoride & Chlorine Reduction Cartridge 4.5″ x 20″
Compare $123.00Rated 5 out of 5
Replacement whole house water filter cartridge for high-flow applications.
Multi-stage 20″ filter that consists of 1 micron filter pad, Activated Alumina, another 1-micron pad & Granular Activated Carbon (GAC).
This filter will remove hundreds of contaminants from water including fluoride, chlorine and sediment.
Dimensions: 20″ x 4.5″
APEX RF-1018 Heavy Metal & Chlorine Reduction Cartridge 4.5″ x 20″
Compare $125.00Rated 5 out of 5
Heavy duty 20″x4.5″ water filter cartridge for high-flow applications.
Removes hundreds of contaminants from water.
Multi-stage 20″ filter with 2 micron filter pads, KDF85, Granular Activated Carbon (GAC).
Significantly extend the life of granular activated carbon while protecting the carbon bed against fouling by bacterial growth.
Effectively removes chlorine and
RF-1017 Carbon Block 4.5″ x 10″ 5 Micron
Compare $31.00Rated 5 out of 5
Filter out organic matter from water without release of carbon fines.
Removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs), insecticides, pesticides and industrial solvents.
Dimensions: 10″ x 4.5″ 5 Micron
APEX RF-1012 Sediment Filter 4.5″ x 10″ 5 Micron
Compare $21.00
Extract suspended materials
Such as sediment, rust, insects & other particles down to 5 mic
4.5 x10
RF-1004 Carbon Block 4.5″ x 20″
Compare $39.00
20" x 4.5 (10 Micron) solid carbon block cartridge to absorb heavy chlorine byproducts such as chloramines, THM, and TCE.
Double carbon briquettes filter out organic matter from water without release of carbon fines.
Carbon block removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs), insecticides, pesticides and industrial solvents.
RF-1008 Sediment Filter 4.5″ x 20″
Compare $24.00
10 micron polypropylene sediment pre-filter.
Extracts suspended materials such as sediment, rust, insects, and other particles down to 10 micron.
Extends life of other more expensive cartridges and prevents damage.
APEX RF-1016 Heavy Metal & Chlorine Reduction Cartridge 4.5″ x 10″
Compare $55.00Rated 5 out of 5
Multi-stage 10″ filter that consists of one micron filter pad, KDF85, Granular Activated Carbon (GAC), and another 1-micron pad.
This filter will remove hundreds of contaminants from water .
Significantly extend the life of granular activated carbon while protecting the carbon bed against fouling by bacterial growth.
Effectively remove chlorine